CCAPP Membership

CCAPP  Membership

CCAPP Membership provides addiction programs & professionals valuable resources, networking opportunities, and comprehensive support. Members gain access to continuing education, industry updates, and professional development tools, enhancing their career growth and ensuring they meet high standards of care. By joining CCAPP Membership, professionals become part of a community dedicated to advancing the field of addiction treatment and recovery services.

CCAPP Membership: Making Connections

“I want to invite you to become connected. A sense of belonging to a tribe is important, become a member of our tribe at CCAPP!”

– Lori Newman, CCAPP Board Member

The CCAPP Academy offers a classroom environment in locations throughout California. Specializing in Saturday scheduling, everyone can fit education into their future with CCAPP.

Individual Membership

Recovery Residence Standards

Program Membership

See a list of CCAPP Certified Recovery Residence. Search by zip code.

Find Treatment

Tips for getting started. General guidelines for Recovery Residence creation.

Job Board

Forms for getting a recovery residence certified.

CCAPP Advocacy

Recovery Residence Standards

2023 Annual Report